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Trust Nexus
WebAuthn+ ~ Unhackable Authentication
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"...this is both an existential threat to the financial services industry and an historic opportunity."
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"Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles." ~ Psalm 2:3
The proof of work consensus blockchain is not suited for business applications.  The voting consensus blockchain is a fictional construct based more on buzzwords and hype than on sound technology; it is a magical black box than can be and do anything its creators determine.
Anonymity and the absence of trust are the main benefits of crypto-currencies that are based on a proof of work consensus blockchain, thus their appeal on the Dark Web.  Legitimate business transactions depend on trust; trust in the people you are dealing with and trust in the legal system if something goes wrong.  Legitimate business transactions cannot be carried out in a system where there is anonymity and the absence of trust.  Why is the previous statement so obvious to all but the most naive Libertarians?
"JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said he would fire any employee trading bitcoin for being 'stupid.'  The cryptocurrency 'won't end well,' he told an investor conference in New York on Tuesday, predicting it will eventually blow up.  'It's a fraud' and 'worse than tulip bulbs.'  If a JPMorgan trader began trading in bitcoin, he said, 'I'd fire them in a second. For two reasons: It's against our rules, and they're stupid. And both are dangerous.' "[ref]
Do we really need a consensus mechanism at all?  Is a consensus mechanism necessary for a distributed ledger to become a cryptographically secure shared source of truth?  No, not if the participants in the distributed ledger can trust the digital credentials of all other participants.  If a hash code is calculated for each section of the distributed ledger and that hash code is signed by a trusted participant, that signature can be "chained" into the distributed ledger creating an immutable business/legal document.
If trust can be established through cryptographically secure digital credentials, distributed ledgers become a practical instrument of finance and business process management that will transform the world.
With cryptographically valid digital credentials there is no need for a convoluted consensus mechanism.
Smooth Transition
There will be a smooth transition to this new technology, not a radical paradigm shift.  Information technology managers and business managers will not be faced with a decision to completely replace their existing IT systems; they will be given the opportunity to enhance existing systems with greater security, collaboration and intelligent processes.
Important note: In the system that we are proposing we are not attempting to create a comprehensive ledger of all transactions or a new cryptocurrency, instead we are creating cryptographically secure distributed ledgers for specific atomic business processes where all the participants have secure digital credentials that have been verified.  Anonymity is NOT a positive feature for legitimate business transactions.  A comprehensive distributed database is NOT necessary.
The focus on a specific atomic business process means that there will be a limitation in scope for the participants.  While it would be possible to create a blockchain for ALL automobile ownership or ALL home ownership, when I buy a car or a home I really only care about my purchase (and my privacy); having a cryptographically secure distributed ledger with digital signatures of all the participants for my purchase will meet my needs. 
Think of a cryptographically secure distributed ledger as a blockchain with a specific limited scope.  Each section of the distributed ledger will have a cryptographically signed hash code that will chain it to the previous block.  Each link in the chain will be identifiable through a participant's cryptographically secure digital credential.  All participants will have a copy of the distributed ledger, but an uber blockchain will not be used as a distributed database. 
There is a use case where multiple distributed ledgers will be accessible in a read only mode.  Every time a patient picks up a prescription at a pharmacy the provenance (record of ownership/custody) of the medication could be made accessible through a cryptographically secure distributed ledger.  Within the supply chain for all goods and services, each time the ownership/custody of an item or collection of items (e.g., lot, shipment) changes, a record of the change would be entered into a cryptographically secure distributed ledger by the participants in the process.
These individual distributed ledgers would be posted to a cloud based aggregation service that would be easily searchable; this would be a far more efficient system then having every medical supplier maintain a version of the distributed database for all medical suppliers.  The really is no need for a distributed database.
Details Details...
In all the hype about distributed ledgers, have you ever wondered what a distributed ledger looks like?  For one of the current leading "flavors of the month", Hyperledger Fabric, "A distributed ledger is a multi-party database with no central trusted authority."[ref]
For Hyperledger Fabric, every participant in the permissioned blockchain is responsible for maintaining their own version of the distributed ledger, usually in some type of local database structure.
In all the hype about distributed ledgers, have you ever wondered how a distributed ledger is validated?  For the current distributed ledger platforms, especially the ones that implement a multi-party database, there is some type of parliamentary voting process to establish a consensus. The following "Example scenario" is from the Hyperledger documentation:
  1. Everyone in a room has a book with the instructions to write down entries as they get called out.
  2. Someone calls out item number one and everyone writes it down.
  3. Then two people call out item number two at the same time, but the item number differs.
  4. There needs to be a process [truly byzantine] for who wins, and the loser gets to try to call out item number three.
  5. When all agree on the outcome of an entry, the next link in that ledger can be written.
  6. Whether this happens in a small scale or the size of the internet, that is the spectrum for how a distributed ledger can work.
The parliamentary voting process used by most of the current distributed ledger platforms is convoluted (truly byzantine) and unnecessary.
The next generation of distributed ledger platforms will be greatly simplified.  When members of a permissioned distributed ledger application have cryptographically secure digital credentials, their entries into the distributed ledger will be trusted.  The order of the entries will be determined by established rules of process management.
How will it all work?  Let's look at a conceptual demo:  Click Here
Simplified Identification, Simplified Structure
If distributed ledger technology is going to take off, the architecture must be simple and clear.
How do we keep track of digital credentials, distributed ledgers and the organizations that issue them?
How can independent entities create identifiers that are unique?  The traditional answer, implemented by credit card companies, governments and other organizations, is that each entity receives a block of numbers and then assigns identifiers from their given block.  When dealing with thousands of organizations such a process would be problematic.
A more pragmatic approach is to use significantly large numbers that have a very low probability of being duplicates when selected randomly.
"Universally Unique Identifiers" are truly magical.  "UUIDs are generated inexpensively by one of several standard methods so as to be practically unique, without requiring a central registration authority or coordination between the parties generating them.  'Practical uniqueness' does not preclude all possibility of the same identifier being generated more than once, but rather means that it is sufficiently improbable in practice that UUIDs will be duplicated unintentionally when generated by the standardized methods."[ref]
"Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with near certainty that the identifier does not duplicate one that has already been created to identify something else, and will not be duplicated in the future.  Information labeled with UUIDs by independent parties can therefore be later combined into a single database, or transmitted on the same channel, without needing to resolve conflicts between identifiers."[ref]
The chances of two independently generated UUIDs being duplicates is incredibly small:  "The total number of possible version 4 UUIDs is 2122, or 5.3x1036 (5.3 undecillion).  The odds of drawing the same UUID twice from this large a hat of possible UUIDs can be calculated using the probability theory for the birthday problem.  The chance of a single duplication (or 'collision') rises to 50% only after 262 UUIDs have been generated.  To put his number into perspective: at the rate of 1 billion UUIDs generated per second, there would be a 50% chance of one collision after 146 years."[ref]
For those who are extremely paranoid, prepending a UNIX Epoch timestamp in milliseconds (1/1,000 of a second) to the UUID when it is generated will allow you to sleep well at night:
Data Structures
All good system architectures begin with good data structures.
The data structure for digital credentials and distributed ledgers will be based on an established, widely accepted format, JSON.  JSON is, "an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value).  It is a very common data format used for asynchronous browser/server communication, including as a replacement for XML in some AJAX-style systems."[ref]
The JSON data structures will enable easy interoperability with existing systems.  A distributed ledger will be acted upon by several different parties.  Each time a participant makes a transaction to the distributed ledger, that transaction will be added to the ledger (with a cryptographic signature) and the revised ledger will be transmitted to all participants (most likely, participants will parse the JSON data structure into their own relational databases).
We will begin with digital financial credentials which can be represented in a simple JSON structure,  Think of this structure as an extension of the x509 structure.  The final structure of digital credentials will evolve in a cooperative manner.
"financialCredential":  [{
"type":  "financialCredential",
"credentialProviderName":  "Community World Bank",
"credentialProviderUuid":  "6039258a-99ca-4611-8173-c551bb47ee46",
"credentialProviderInfoUrl":  "https://www.cwbank.com/rest/retrieveCredentialProviderInfo.action",
"credentialDisplayName":  "CWB Test 1",
"credentialType":  "com.cwbank.credentialtype.FINANCIAL_TEST",
"credentialUuid":  "1619253096000-3027B59F-BDE1-499D-B314-A955A0A20914",
"activationTimestamp":  "2023-01-13T16:21:10.888Z",
"expirationTimestamp":  "2023-01-13T23:59:59.999Z",
"publicKeyAlgorithm":  "RSA",
"publicKeyModulus":  "4096",
"publicKeyHex":  "30820222300D06092A864886F70D01010105000382020F003082020A0282020100E8CE2E53811369
"credentialData":  [{,
"lastName":  "Hansen",
"firstName":  "Mark",
"credentialProviderSignatureAlgorithm":  "SHA512withRSA",
"credentialProviderSecureHashAlgorithm":  "SHA-512",
"credentialProviderHash":  "0A95F98A7FAD726E5C2B1CCA6503DF674755CBD5D861019921C85D85B559A3A4434120D2FDC706E6
"credentialProviderSignedHash":  "11A9728E5484555903F971C72939D3C205CF8D613F6AA77FDE89564C2C84CB43E827C65FB8033F70
The "credentialProviderHash" value is a hash calculation of everything above it in the financial credential.  The "credentialProviderSignedHash" value is a signature of the "credentialProviderHash" using the credential provider's private key.  As long as you have a trusted reference to the credential provider's public key you can trust the signature and trust the digital credential.  We will discuss more about trusting credential providers in the section, The Worldwide Distributed Ledger for Credential Providers.
Also notice that this financial credential contains limited "credentialData".  There could be no "credentialData", just a"credentialUuid" associated with a "publicKey"  All the account information is maintained by the "credentialProvider" (e.g., the bank) based on an association to the "credentialUuid".  Your privacy can be protected when you present a digital financial credential.
In other types of credentials (e.g., driver's licenses and passports) there may be detailed "credentialData" including image data blocks for photographs and signatures and possibly other data blocks for biometric data.  In addition to identity and financial credentials, there may very well be "marketing credentials" that will contain your consumer preferences and purchase history information that you wish to share.
Financial Transactions
If you come to my website or place of business and make a purchase request I will send to you (to either your smart phone or business processing system or possibly your registered intelligent agent) the financial credential from my bank and a financialTransaction JSON object; the JSON object will contain an offerTransactionHash code signed with the private key associated with my financial credential.
Once again, as long as you have a trusted reference to the credential provider's public key you can trust the signature and trust the financialTransaction JSON object. 
"financialTransaction":  [{
"type":  "financialTransaction",
"transactionUuid":  "1619208021920-B42AEAA7-B439-4766-93D3-6336209982C8",
"activationTimestamp":  "2023-01-12T16:17:12.888Z",
"expirationTimestamp":  "2023-01-12T16:17:22.888Z",
"description":  "Samsung 28'' 4K Ultra HD Monitor",
"amount":  "314.96 USD",
"buyerData":  [{
"lastName":  "Hansen",
"firstName":  "Mark",
"accountUuid":  "1619228887425-2924A924-EE35-47C0-8AFA-A4C1D418A554",
"sellersCredentialUuid":  "1619274000310-4F30305F-F592-4228-8798-5BB2038F4E51",
"offerTransactionHash":  "954593CDB0F1259F2036EFD8AAD0804ABCA310A5B63C249C839E4BE768D4CC119F99CA1814792153
"sellersSignature":  "30E060D43343BF76AB1C41251ADB8E46745B67F01939EC82A8C74895D3E0B342DA3218C13BB22A39
Your smart phone will display the purchase information and enable you to confirm the purchase with a One Touch action.  Your system will then calculate the acceptanceTransactionHash code and sign the hash code with the private key associated with your banking credential.
financialTransaction =  {
"type":  "FinancialTransaction",
"transactionUuid":  "1619208021920-B42AEAA7-B439-4766-93D3-6336209982C8",
"activationTimestamp":  "2023-01-125T16:17:12.888Z",
"expirationTimestamp":  "2023-01-12T16:17:22.888Z",
"description":  "Samsung 28'' 4K Ultra HD Monitor",
"amount":  "314.96 USD",
"buyerData":  [{
"lastName":  "Hansen",
"firstName":  "Mark",
"accountUuid":  "1619228887425-2924A924-EE35-47C0-8AFA-A4C1D418A554",
"sellersCredentialUuid":  "1619274000310-4F30305F-F592-4228-8798-5BB2038F4E51",
"offerTransactionHash":  "954593CDB0F1259F2036EFD8AAD0804ABCA310A5B63C249C839E4BE768D4CC119F99CA1814792153
"sellersSignature":  "30E060D43343BF76AB1C41251ADB8E46745B67F01939EC82A8C74895D3E0B342DA3218C13BB22A39
"buyersCredentialUuid":  "1619228835187-292BA924-EE35-47E0-8AFA-A4C1D418D190",
"acceptanceTransactionHash":  "B20DBD613813B2D2993510B2EBD81165C8EB0EBAF402429D99ED73181070C0B00AEF48C315DBC77E
"buyersSignature":  "226276072FEF5E02E2DC58DEE0EE72DA4661115CA93CEB75D2AFE4E72C3139B1BF5319B090285B31
Your system will return the dual signed financialTransaction object to my system with your banking credential.  The dual signature insures non-repudiation for both parties; neither party can deny at a later time that they did not agree to the transaction.
My system will first check an application service within the Trust Nexus to insure your banking credential and the credential provider that issued your credential have not been revoked.  If all is well my system will verify the hash code and then verify your signature.  If both verifications pass, my system will send a commit message to your system.  My system will then send the dual signed financialTransaction object and both banking credentials (buyer/seller) to my bank.
My bank will verify the credentials, and the hash codes and signatures of the financialTransaction object.  If all goes well my bank will engage in a standardized transaction process with your bank (a process which may include a shared ledger where only the net amount at the "end" of the day is transacted).  Once the transaction between my bank and you bank is complete, we will each receive a confirmation message from our bank.  The time for entire process will take just a few hundred milliseconds (less than one second).
Instantaneous payment processing will be a reality (with no unnecessary intermediaries).
The simple financial transaction above can be extended to a generalized Trusted Distributed Ledger that will encompass the efficient transfer of value for any financial asset, any type of intellectual property (music, videos, books, etc.), any type of services, any type of material goods... everything.  The Internet of Value will become a reality.
Trusted Distributed Ledgers will encompass every process involved in the transfer of value (finance, shipping/tracking, insurance, licensing, conditional contracts, etc.).  Different industries will establish standardized types of distributed ledgers for different processes.  It will also be very easy to transfer funds and anything of value from consumer to consumer with only their banks as an intermediary.
It would be a natural extension of their existing functions for banks to play a central role in creating the Internet of Value.  Failing to capitalize on this opportunity will have dire consequences.  With the right technology and consumer focus, any one of a number of players in the "FinTech Revolution", the mobile network operators, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, or Amazon (aka FAMGA), could disintermediate the banks.
"A CEO of one of the big banks said recently, 'We're in the business of transferring value, and because of that, we can store value, lend value, exchange value, and fund and invest value and insure value and account for value.  If you take away that movement of value function, you deeply undermine our entire raison d'etre and our foundation for existence, so this is both an existential threat to the financial services industry and an historic opportunity.' " [ref]
Key Insights:  If the bankers do things right, the "permissioned network" for the Internet of Value will be comprised of all bank customers with secure digital credentials.  All financial transactions will be processed by banks.  All distributed ledgers will be trusted because everyone will be able to trust the secure digital credentials issued by banks.
Go to page 3 for more.
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© Copyright 2024 ~ Trust Nexus, Inc.
All technologies described here in are "Patent Pending".